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100% Galak Sea
LittleGPTracker Effects Commands


  1. ARPG abcd
  2. CRSH aabb
  3. DLAY --bb
  4. FCUT aabb
  5. FLTR aabb
  6. FRES aabb
  7. FBMX aabb
  8. FBTN aabb
  9. HOP aabb
  10. IRTG aabb
  11. KILL --bb
  12. LEGA aabb
  13. LPOF aaaa
  14. MDCC aabb
  15. MDPG --bb
  16. PAN aabb
  17. PFIN aabb
  18. PLOF aabb
  19. PTCH aabb
  20. RTRG aabb
  21. TABL --bb
  22. TMPO --bb
  23. VOLM aabb

ARPG abcd

Cycle through relative pitches a, b, c, and d (starting with original pitch, then up a semitones, b semitones and so forth). The cycle loops if there's only zero's past a given post


ARPG 3000: loops between original pitch and +3 semitones

ARPG 4050: loops between original pitch, +4 semitones, +0 semitones, + 5 semitones

speed of arpeggiator is constant and can not be changed

CRSH aabb

aa = pre crush drive (from 1 to 0xFF, 00 is no change) & bb = crush setting (from 0 to 0xF, 0x0 is 1 bit, 0xF is 16bit )

DLAY --bb

Delays the note to be played by bb tics

FCUT aabb

adjust the filter cutoff to bb at speed aa

FCUT 0080 will instantly set the filter cutoff to 50%
FCUT 1000 will close the filter entirely at speed 10

FLTR aabb

lowpass filter, set absolute frequency value for cutoff aa & resonance bb

FLTR 00FF is un-adultered sound

FRES aabb

adjust the filter resonance to bb at speed aa

FRES 08FF will raise the resonance to screeching at speed 08

FBMX aabb

go to feedback mix xxbb at aaxx speed

FBTN aabb

go to feedback tune xxbb at aaxx speed

HOP aabb

play position will jump to the next phrase in a chain, jumping directly at position bb in the phrase.

hop is instant: instrument triggers and commands on the same row will be run.
no effect on instruments
in TABLES, cursor position will jump to row bb aa times, then pass thru the hop command and continue thru the rest of the table

IRTG aabb

IRTG stands for Instrument Retrigger and will retrigger the current instrument. It gives table the ability to work as progammable phrases that then can be triggered simply by changing tables.

IRTG –bb will retrigger the current instrument transposed by bb semi-tones. Note that each IRTG transposition is cumulatively added. So a table with

IRTG 0001

will keep going a semi tone up. Great for dubby echoes :)

The retriggered instrument is NOT reset (as if you enter a note with no instrument number). The table (obviously) will continue to run and all running variable (filter,etc) won't be reset.

This system is also pretty useful to implement temporary non 4/4 signature without having to switch grooves, since you have the ability to re-trigger the instrument at tick resolution

don't forget trying to combine it with complex hop structure !

KILL --bb

instrument will stop playing after aa ticks.

LEGA aabb

performs an exponential pitch slide from previous note value to pitch bb at speed aa.

00 is the fastest speed for aa (instant, useless)
bb values are relative: 00-7F are up, 80-FF are down, expressed in semi-tones
if LEGA is put on a row where a note is present and the pitch offset is 0 (e.g. C4 I3 LEGA 1000) the slide will occur automatically from previous note to the current one at the given speed.
If an instrument is not triggered on the same row as LEGA, the command will re-trigger the previous instrument (unless the previous instrument is still playing).
LEGA does exponential pitch change (i;e. it goes at same speed through all octaves) while PITCH is linear

LPOF aaaa

LooP OFset: Shift both the loop start & loop end values aaaa digits

LPOF 0001 adds one to both values, LFOF FFFF removes one (so values > 0x800 moves the loop backward)
reset everytime you start a new note (same as volume, pitch)
LPOF is absolute
you can't trigger a note with the LPOF, it has to be executed after a sample is playing
every time you trigger a sample LPOF is set back to the instrument parameters

MDCC aabb

Sends a MIDI “continuous control” message. aa is the control number and bb is the value. It will be sent on the MIDI channel of the currently running instrument.

MDPG --bb

sends a program change command on the current channel. 0000 is program change 1

PAN aabb

PAN aabb: where bb is the pan destination and aa is the speed to get there

PFIN aabb

PitchFINetune: where bb is the width and aa is the speed to get there

Tunes the root note one semitone up (01-80) or down (FF-81)
00 in bb returns the note to the root center
00 is the fastest speed for aa

PLOF aabb

PLayOFfset virtually cuts any sample in 256 chunks. jump absolutely to chunk aa or relatively move forward/back bb chunks.

PTCH aabb

PTCH is also time for the first two byte nibble
PITCH is linear pitch change

RTRG aabb

retrigger the sound by looping the from current play position over a certain amount of ticks.

aa allows to move the loop forward of aa ticks each time the loop has been done (loop offest per retrigger)
bb is the number of ticks used for the looping (speed of retrigger effect)

RTRG 0001: loop one tick from current play position

RTRG 0102: loop of two ticks but move the loop one tick every loop

RTRG 0101: does not do anything because after looping one tick, you move forward one tick and therefore go back to the current position :)

TABL --bb

triggers table bb

TMPO --bb

sets the tempo to hex value –bb.

TMPO 0000 is safe and doesn't effect the tempo at all.
TMPO 003C (60bpm) is the lowest acceptable value and TMPO 0190 (400bpm) is the highest acceptable value

VOLM aabb

starting from the instrument's volume setting, approach volume bb at speed aa. 00 is the lowest volume and 00 is the fastest speed (instant).

to achieve sounds that grow in volume, make an instrument with volume 0 and then apply the VOLM command

Effects Commands